The Dream Engine
Alterra's great engine makes everything the people need ... but nobody knows where it came from, and nobody's truly in control.
The Dream Engine
What is real, Eila? When Eila Doyle first hears the strange boy...
The Nightmare Factory (The Dream Engine Book 2)
After breaching the Fog and finding the ship beyond, Eila Doyle finds...
The Ruby Room (The Dream Engine Book 3)
With both Fleet and Flock in turmoil and conditions at the Ministry...
The Pandora Core (The Dream Engine Book 4)
Eila, Eve, Abbie, and their small band of allies find themselves on...
The Engine Convergence (The Dream Engine Book 5)
In the ten years that have passed since Eila Doyle was banished...
The Tinkerer's Mainspring - A Stand-Alone Novel in the Dream Engine World
Abitha Scarborough is a psychological specialist and a junior curator in the...